Answered By: Toru Chiba
Last Updated: Jul 24, 2015     Views: 90


You can view what you have checked out from the Library, and when these items are due back, using MyMARLO.

You may also be interested in renewing an item. Students can renew an item once. You can renew items in person at the circulation desk or by phone (304-367-4733), unless someone has requested the item.

Items that are not overdue can also be renewed online using MARLO (Marion Libraries Online catalog).

To renew using MARLO: 

  1. Log in to My MARLO. You will need the number below the bar code on the back of your campus ID. 
  2. Click the "Items currently checked out" link to view the materials you have checked out.
  3. Select the materials you want to renew by checking the boxes in the RENEW column and then click the Renew Selected button. If you want to renew everything, click the Renew ALL button.
  4. If you cannot renew items, a message will appear on the screen. If you are successful, a new due date will appear in the "STATUS" column.

Always check the STATUS column for information on the success or failure of your renewal.


If a book is already checked out, you can request it so that you are the next person to check it out when it is returned (sometimes called a "hold"). If a book is at one of the public libraries in our catalog, you can request it so that you will be notified when it is brought to the campus Library for you to pick up.

To request a book, view the record in MARLO and click on the request link above the item information, as shown here.

From this point, follow the steps to request you be notified when the item is ready for pickup at the circulation desk.

Be sure you choose the circulation desk of our Library!

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