Answered By: Toru Chiba
Last Updated: Jul 24, 2015     Views: 499

summon advanced searchYou can use Summon and/or individual databases to find peer-reviewed articles online. Peer-reviewed articles have been evaluated for accuracy and other standards by experts in that particular field, and meet the criteria required for publication.

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Summon searches our entire database collection.

The advanced search is helpful if you know what type of materials you are searching for, or if you know the author or title of an article. Click the Advanced Search link on the Summon tab on the library homepage, or here.

Search terms can be typed into the first box. For instance, if you were searching for articles about the health benefits of antioxidants, you could type those words - health benefits of antioxidants - in the first search box.

If you know the author of the article, and/or the article title, that information should be entered in that particular box.

Another important search filter is the Show content type section. For articles, choose the Journal Article option.

Below that, next to Show Only, check the Items with full text online and Scholarly materials boxes. Checking these boxes will bring you articles that are both scholarly/peer-reviewed and available in full online.

You can also choose to exclude newspaper articles, book reviews and dissertations if you'd like.

Then, click the orange search button. The most relevant articles should appear first. You can further narrow your results on the left side of the results page.

Your search will bring back a lot of results, but remember, Summon is searching all of our databases. Get more tips and how-tos for Summon in our LibGuide.

Individual databases

For individual databases like Academic OneFile and Academic Search Complete, select options to include only scholarly or peer-reviewed items. Most databases have these options for you to choose on their main search pages. Remember to also check the full text option so that all your results are available in full online. View all databases here.


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