You can use the company name in quotation marks (such as "Progressive Casualty Insurance Co." or "Progressive Insurance") to try to find article that mention them. You could search the industry ("Automobile insurance") as well. You would want to search "Academic OneFile", "Academic Search Complete", "Business Full Text", "Business Source Complete", "Hoover's Company Profiles" and "Lexis Nexis Academic". The first two are our most general databases. The rest are under the "Business and Economics" subject category on the database page.
When you find an article that works, look at the subjects associated with the article. You can click on those to find articles on those topics. If the company name is a link then you can find articles where the company is mentioned. Always make sure you click "Full text" on the main search page. If you follow a link, then usually on the right or left side of the screen there will be a way to revise your search. You should find "full text" as an option.
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