Answered By: Toru Chiba
Last Updated: Jul 24, 2015     Views: 47

If you're using Internet Explorer, this is how you can attempt to locate the latest version of the file.

  1. In the menu on the upper right side of the Internet Explorer window, click on Tools and choose Internet Options.
  2. On the General tab, you'll see a header for Browsing History. Click on the Settings button.
  3. On the next screen, click on the View Files button.
  4. The window that pops up will be the Temporary Internet Files directory for the time you've been on this particular computer. This is where the original and updated versions of your document should be.
  5. There may be several Word files here with (1) (2) (3) after the filename. If you need to look at each one, drag them all to the desktop. From there, you should be able to open each one separately and locate the updated version.

If you plan to save and then e-mail files, make sure you use "save as" and save them to the desktop or a folder that you are familiar with, so that you can retrieve them!

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