Answered By: Toru Chiba
Last Updated: Jul 24, 2015     Views: 94

As a student, instructor or staff member, you have access to the Library's collections of eBooks. Remember that if you are off campus, you will need your UCA and password to access online items.

To go directly to the main collections of eBooks that you can read on your computer, use one or both of these links:

Ebsco eBooks | eBrary eBooks

You can also search the collections above using the library's catalog, MARLO:

  1. Go to the catalog: MARLO.
  2. Click on "Advanced Keyword Search," limit the Material Type to "EBOOKS," and then submit a search for keyword, subject, title, or author.
  3. eBooks are marked with a special e-book icon in the catalog listings.

If you are interested in downloadable eBook formats for ereaders like Kindle and Nook, you can search and download titles from the WVDELI.